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Successful self defense should be pretty obvious: it's self defense that allows a potential victim to fight off a mugger or other assailant and allows her to avoid harm intended to her by the attacker. Some techniques are better than others. While it's easy to just say "Oh learn martial arts," that doesn't take into consideration what situations you may be in. For example, many people (not the nicest ones) found it funny when Jean Claude Van Damme, Hollywood martial arts star, was in the news because he got into a bar fight against a guy with no martial arts experience...and he got his butt kicked. How could someone with no martial arts experience beat a black belt?

In that case successful self defense would involve knowing how to fight in a crowded area, and knowing how to take a beating since there wouldn't be room to dodge. This wasn't the type of martial arts that Van Damme is best known for, so with no room to kick or time to extend power into his punches, the trouble maker who knew how to bar fight was tops because he knew how to fight dirty, how to fight close range. Successful self defense in this case was dictated by situation.

This is an extreme example, but it is a great illustration of how simply knowing even a martial art is not a guarantee of successful self defense. You may not have room to get into a stance, so the guy who is used to fighting in tight spaces and taking punches. This is part of the reason that an actual self defense class is often a good idea. This teaches basic striking and pressure points that can be used in almost any given self defense situation, and thus drastically increases the chances of any confrontation you have with an assailant as being a successful self defense.

Another example is boxing. Boxing is about using fists, dancing to avoid hits, and conserving energy. While you certainly don't want to pick a fight with a world heavy weight on the street, even many boxers admit that boxing is NOT the best self defense teaching. In boxing the fight stops with a knee to the groin. In the real world the guy keeps getting beaten.

Successful self defense doesn't have to be difficult, but learning the right techniques for the situations you are most likely to find yourself in goes a long ways towards both peace of mind, and to your actual physical safety. Finding the right teacher or program is everything in making your way to a program that will help assure successful self defense.

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